Top 8 Signs Your Manifestation Is On Its Way

We have a plethora of ways we can deliberately manifest something in our realities.

Manifestation is an art in my book. It takes energetic direction, focus, and intent. With all the energetic work and time we invest, It’s great to get signs that it’s on its way. These signs give us encouragement to keep going. These signs signal to us to keep investing energetic time to draw in our manifestation.

When we place our order with the universe, our signs are like our tracking. The more signs we receive the closer our manifestation is to us. You’ll know you are on the right track and the method you are using is right on the money.

Through my personal experience, when I’m manifesting there are a few signs that I’ve consistently been shown. I know that my vibrational alignment and discipline are truly paying off. The Universe lets me know that I’m in alignment and we’re on the same page.

Here are my Top 8 signs that show you that your Manifestation is on its way.

Synchronicities Show up Everywhere

Carl Jung introduced the concept of Synchronicities, which are events, messages, and signs that appear to be beyond only coincidence. Synchronicities come through in the form of Angel Numbers like 1111, Déjà Vu, Songs, Animals, or an old acquaintance.

When you begin to see more synchronicities show up for you this is a great sign from the universe that your manifestation is drawing close. Synchronicities speak to you on a personal level like a phone call from the Universe. The Universe is saying that you are tapped in and connected so keep going.

You Become Energy Crack

Manifestation takes energetic focus fueled with intent and when you want to manifest quickly it’s best to be at a High Vibration. When you are walking around at a High Vibration the majority of the time, others can feel it. They want to be around you, they might not even know why they just know they like being around you…a lot…all of a sudden.

So, you become everyone’s new drug. You begin to get more people surrounding you at the job, coming into your office, just wanting to be near you. So when you begin to see these swarms of individuals that just want to be around you for no apparent reason, then you know that your vibration is high and that you are holding a High-Frequency Charge, thus your Manifestation is nearing.

Your Manifestation is Everywhere

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is located in the brain stem that filters out unnecessary information and hones in on what you are focused on subconsciously. Your RAS will take what you are focused on and filter it out for you in the real world, to bring your attention to what you are manifesting.

Manifestation takes deliberate focus and subconscious expectation that your manifestation will appear in your reality. Seeing your manifestation everywhere is a key indication that you are aligned with the intent that it will show up for you, that even when you are not consciously focused on your manifestation that you are subconsciously expecting it to show up.

When you begin to see the Car you are manifesting on the street at every corner that’s an excellent sign.

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Your Dreams Become More Aligned

Your dreams reveal a lot of what is fueling your subconscious mind. When you begin to dream about what you are manifesting that’s a great sign that your manifestation is on its way to you. Your manifestation appearing in your dreams is a great signal that you are subconsciously focused on what you desire.

If you begin to dream about the opposite of what you are manifesting, that’s a sign that you need to realign your subconscious beliefs and that you need to increase, change or pivot the manifestation technique you are using to get you in alignment with your desire.

The Universe Will Test You

Universal Tests will become a natural occurrence for you and a part of the manifestation process. This means that right before your true manifestation shows up for you, either the complete opposite or something very close to what you desire will show up in your reality.

This is not the universe playing tricks on you. This is the universe’s way to ask you “Are you sure you really want that?”. The way you respond to those tests will be how you answer the universe.

If you are manifesting a job that pays you a salary of $90k and you get an offer for a $70k position, it’s pretty close, but turning that $70k offer away will tell the universe that you’re holding out for the $90k position you’re manifesting.

Universal Tests are a normal part of manifesting. Acknowledging those tests and keeping yourself in Alignment by turning them away is what confirms your order with the universe.

Expectation Increase

The Law of Expectation states that you’re never going to receive more than what you expect in life. This is true with Manifesting, you can’t manifest something that you don’t expect to show up in your reality.

You know your manifestation is near when you just KNOW your Manifestation is going to show up. When the expectation of your Manifestation arriving has increased from a level of “if it will show up” to “When it does show up”.

The Calm Before The Manifestation

Manifesting is the art of drawing into our reality something that is not currently present. So, it’s very easy for the energy of worry, anxiety, and fear to creep in.

When your Manifestation is close you will experience a feeling of Calm and Ease rush over you. The feeling of worry is not even present and you are in a state of receiving. When you are Aligned with your Manifestation you will feel very tranquil and peaceful.

Your Ears Are Ringing

This might be a strange one but it’s one I’ve experienced and worth noting.

When we are in a state of active Manifestation we are raising our vibration and aligning our subconscious thoughts with our desire.

Raising your Vibration will produce ringing in the ears. It’s also a sign from your Angels and Spiritual Guides. This is a huge sign that your manifestation is nearing because the ringing is a sign that the universe has taken note of your request and it’s a massive yes.

Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs,

Eboni Bee

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick.

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy.