How to Manifest Money Fast

Who couldn’t use more money?? One of the first things I wanted to learn and focus my energy on was How to Manifest Money Fast! I have been there before, the uncomfortable position of waiting for the next payday and having to stretch the few dollars in my bank account for another week.

So, I began to dig into the journey of Manifesting Money and locked the base principles down that worked every time. Once I mastered these principles manifesting money has become easier and easier for me and money finds its way to flow to me in different ways every single time. 

Now, if you’re searching for a way to manifest money fast then you’re most likely familiar with The Law of Attraction and the Energy of Money.  

I wanted to share with you the principles I use and the go-to steps I’ve learned to manifest money fast. These steps will bring you into the highest vibrational state to attract money to you effortlessly and quickly.

Step 1: Appreciate The Money You Have Now

Before you begin the journey of Manifesting Money you should tap into appreciating where you are right now. Regardless of the money that’s in your bank account now do your best to show appreciation for the money you have access to today. 

By skipping this step you’ll enter into the process of manifesting money with the energy of urgency and that urgency will affect your vibration. Being in a lower vibrational state can actually affect your Money Manifestation success.

Step 2: Become a Vibrational Match to Money

Most of us grew up in households where no one liked to pay the bills. The energy around receiving a Bill or having to pay the bill was not a positive one. My vibration was high when I got paid but low when I had to pay my Cable Bill and I knew that this needed to change if I wanted to be a match to money flowing to me. 

No one likes to pay the bills but Money is Energy and Energy needs to flow in and out…positively so you can attract more. So you’ll need to upgrade this mindset so you can manifest money fast. 

Tap into the energetic flow of money. Money Flows in through your paychecks, clients, refunds, bonuses, reimbursements, rewards, etc. Money Flows out through Bills for the products and services you’ve already received. 

So you should practice tapping into positive emotions when paying your bills. Appreciate the services or products you received and the money you have to pay for it. This will increase the flow of abundance to you. 

Step 3: Clear Your Money Energy

Take a look at your Purse, Wallet, or Wristlet and take a look at the state it’s in right now. If you see it’s stuffed with old receipts or it’s in really bad condition then it’s time for a cleanse. 

It’s pretty hard to manifest the new in if something is cluttering up space now.

Clear out all the old receipt papers and junk that may be taking up space. Give your wallet a good wipe down or replace it altogether. 

If you want to kick it up a notch then you can incorporate Sage and Crystals. You can burn sage and allow the smoke to enter in and around your wallet. This will help get rid of any old, stagnant or negative energy that may be surrounding your wallet. You can even keep a small crystal in there too, I like are Clear Quartz, Pyrite, Citrine, and Green Aventurine.  

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Step 4: Be Specific and Set your Intention

Clarity is King when Manifesting Money. So, communicate to the Universe the exact amount you’d like to call in. 

When I made a general statement like “I want to manifest more money” I found that the amount I would manifest varied like $5 or $10. 

When you take the time to be specific you are avoiding the pitfall of manifesting by default. Know the amount you want to call in so that you can intentionally create it. 

Step 5: Tap into the Energy of Money

The Energy behind your manifestation is the secret sauce. It’s the fuel that drives your money manifestation to you and how quickly. The more potent the fuel the faster you will receive. 

Take a moment to feel good about the amount of money you are manifesting. Get excited by the thought of it coming to you. Feels like it’s already yours, it technically is it just hasn’t gotten to you yet.  

Most of us want to shoot for the stars with an inflated amount but if the idea of Manifesting $10,000 scares you or you immediately feel that amount could not flow to you then choose another amount. An amount you can get your energy behind that is believable and feels good to you. 

Manifesting $10 will feel very different and is a completely different energy than Manifesting $100, $1000, or $10,000. 

So choose your number and Get Excited!

Step 6: Feel The Money Already Manifesting

Feel the feeling of having already manifested the amount you’re calling in. 

For example, if you’re manifesting $1,000, then how would it feel to have that amount right now? Picture having that amount in your hands or in your bank account. 

Tap into that feeling and hold it for as long as you can. Try this exercise for longer and longer lengths of time. It will become normal after a while to hold the feeling of having that amount of money.  

This exercise will help you increase your comfortability with the amount of money you’re calling in and the faster you can get your energy behind your Money Manifestation the faster it will come to you. 

Step 7: Feel worthy of Money

You live in an Abundant Universe and some of us feel like others will have to go without in order for us to have and that’s just not the case. No one has to go without for you to have money, it’s your right to have whatever amount you desire. 

Release any resistance you have around whatever amount of money you are calling it. You have a right to be abundant. There is enough abundance for everyone. 

Step 8: Release The How

That’s right, it’s not your job to tell the Universe how the money should come to you. When I manifested my first $10,000 it was a bonus that I wasn’t expecting. Within a week’s time, after getting my energy behind that amount it was mine 1 week later. with no rhyme or reason, it was just there in my bank account. The money will flow to you in various ways and follow the path of least resistance. So, you just can’t plan out the specifics, so don’t let not knowing how you’ll get the money to create any doubt that it will soon be yours because it already is! You also want to give the universe the flexibility to get you what you’re calling in as quickly as possible. Release the how, because those details are not your job.

Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs,

Eboni Bee

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick.

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy.