How to Create Space for Your Manifestation

When you embrace becoming an active power manifestor, you soon realize that the entire process is an Energy Game. We are energetic beings, that live in an energetic universe, and walk a physical experience. Energy is in constant movement and thus everything we manifest has an energetic match.  

Once you have set your sights on a desire, you will notice that it will not materialize until you have made space for it. It’s like attempting to overfill an already full plate on Thanksgiving Day (for my stateside folks) or trying to stuff more clothes in a closet that’s already full.

So, how do you create energetic space to allow your manifestation to flow in smoothly? In this article, we’ll dig into my top methods to create energetic space so your manifestations can come in quickly. These methods will allow your desires to flow in easily and show up in your reality as quickly as possible with little resistance. 

When you become a conscious manifestor the process of creating energetic space will become second nature. This process is not one to be overlooked as a lot of people find themselves stuck and stagnant awaiting a manifestation that has yet to materialize because your manifestation is awaiting you to make space for it. 

My goal is to assist you in avoiding the holding pattern we find ourselves in as our desires await us to simply make room for it.

Take an Energetic Audit of Where you are

Take an energetic audit of where you are at present and if there is space for your manifestation to flow in. Gain clarity on what you desire to manifest is the first step I recommend. Clarity is our compass that points and navigates our energy toward what we desire. Once you become clear on your manifestation you’ll then be in a position to determine if space is required. 

Take a moment to hone in on what you truly desire to manifest and bring into your reality at this time. Be overly attentive to the details of what you’re calling in. Visualize what your life would look like at this time if your manifestation just showed up. This clarity will help you determine if space is needed and if an energetic clearing of clutter is needed at present. 

The ultimate goal is to bring clarity to what you desire to manifest. Once you can clearly see what it is you desire, in your mind’s eye, you’ll then be able to confirm if anything is standing in the way of your manifestation materializing at this time.

Determine If There Is Stuck Energy

You can move forward with pinpointing any stuck and stagnant energy once you have clarified what you desire to manifest. 

For example, if you are manifesting a new job, are you holding onto a job that no longer suits you? If you are manifesting a relationship are you holding onto a Karmic partnership that is no longer serving your highest good? If you are manifesting a car, are you holding onto a car that no longer functions for your lifestyle?

This is what stuck, stagnant energy looks like. You desire to manifest something but there is something taking space in that area that no longer serves you. This will be the area where the energy will need to be transmuted. 

This will require you to have radical honesty with yourself and where you are right now energetically. Tap in and be as truthful as you can with where you stand in that area of your life. If you are holding onto stale energy then it’s time to move forward to the next step, letting go.

Transmute The Energy By Letting Go

The Divine would never require us to release something that is for our highest good. The process of letting go is a practice we must embrace in order to manifest better in our lives. 

Letting go is a struggle I’ve had to overcome as well. Most of us experience trouble letting go and releasing when we have a lack mindset or struggle with scarcity consciousness. When the fear of not having enough overcomes us that our instinct is to hold onto the thing, regardless of the hindrance that it could possibly pose in our life.

This mental trigger has most likely been created by struggles we’ve experienced in our lives. Struggles that we may have endured when assistance was required in a particular area may not have shown up or there was a shocking unforeseen change in our circumstances.

What has assisted me with shifting from a scarcity/lack mindset to an abundance mindset is reminding myself that the universe is always in a state of surplus. The Universal Law of Abundance states that there exist sufficient resources to accomplish anything we desire to do. The universe will always bring in a divine replacement for whatever we release when it’s done with the intention to draw better into our experience.

Now, I’m not recommending that you walk off your job, disengage with your partner, or break your lease. What I am suggesting is that once you have acknowledged that you desire more in a particular area of your life, then it’s time to determine if there are any present energies holding space that would cause any resistance to your manifestation flowing in. If so, it’s time to carefully and gracefully plan your release.

Remember that energy flows through the path of least resistance. Your initiative to release stagnant energy sends a signal to the universe that you are making space for your manifestation to flow in and that you have faith in the divine. 

Energy loves to take up space, so when you clear energy by letting go, energy rushes in to fill that space. So though there will be a removal of energy in that area of your life, trust that it won’t stay that way for long.

Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs,

Eboni Bee

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick.

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy.