5 Ways To Build Trust In The Universe

5 Ways To Build Trust In The Universe We Manifest and co-create consciously and unconsciously with the universe. Manifestation is a team effort, a partnership, and a collaboration with the divine source. It’s as if we are partaking in a game of ‘Trust’, where we build on the belief that the Universe will catch us and provide support when we take a leap forward into unknown territory.  Once we have decided to set out on a new journey, to either manifest something new or begin on a new pathway, fear may creep in. The energy of fear is neutralized by the energy of faith. Our faith grows as more evidence shows up in our reality. The more the universe demonstrates its presence our faith becomes unshakable and our greatest superpower.  The Divine will always deliver what is for our highest good and serves our greatest purpose. I am passionate about this topic, because as we grow older, we may require a bit of proof to build on our foundation of belief.  We are not demanding that the Divine provide evidence, but instead assist us in increasing our faith by providing confirmation that will help our faith take root. Building assurance that the Divine is always listening, always by our side, and always holding our highest good as a top priority, will allow us to move forward on our path authentically and powerfully. These are my top 5 methods to build your trust in the Universe and create unshakable faith. Ask for Evidence When I began my journey, evidence was one of the biggest factors that helped me build my trust in the Universe. As the evidence showed up, it proved proof that the communication I held with the Divine was open and clear and that all my requests were being heard. Asking the Universe for evidence is based on clear communication. Simply asking ad affirming to the Universe what you desire. Speak clearly, aloud or silently, along the lines of “Universe, I desire to feel your presence and I desire a clear sign in the form of _____”. This is only a sample statement, speak from your heart. Choose a sign that is personal to you and that you’ll know when you see it.  Black Cats speak to me as it reminds me of the Queen of Wands in the Tarot. I have a list of personal signs and symbols that alert me that they are from the Divine.  [Related] 10 Powerful ways to protect your energy  Creating a spiritual evidence log can help you keep track of all the signs the Universe sends your way. Your spiritual evidence log will be a powerful trust builder for you. Seeing the list of all the signs the universe has sent you will help you realize that you are being supported and that you are always being sent a confirmation.  Building your Log will increase your awareness of what is showing up in your physical reality that supports your quest for divine evidence. Reduce the urge to simply write things off as coincidence. Angel numbers, songs, animals, conversations, and people can all show up as synchronicities.  If you are still working on building your awareness then ask the universe for your sign within a specific timeframe. 24-48 hrs or a timeframe that you will be actively on the lookout for your particular sign. Feel the Faith Trusting the universe will allow you to take new leaps of faith in the future while holding onto the inner knowing that the universe does indeed have your back.  Faith in the Universe is about building the belief that the Universe will support and guide you on your journey. Take a moment to define what having faith means and feels to you. Really feel into and immerse yourself into what trusting a higher power feels like to you. This will assist you with fine-tuning your energy to the essence of faith. Once you are familiar with the energy you will be able to tap into the energy quickly in the future. When you are actively manifesting, the energy of worry and fear attempts to creep in. You may worry when your manifestation will show up, and fear if it ever will. Ask yourself how would it feel to know that the Universe is on your side, supporting your journey and always delivering what you desire. Feeling the energy of ultimate trust and faith will help to build and increase that energy. Release an Unhealthy Ego We all have an ego and it can be in a healthy or unhealthy state. A healthy ego can define who you are and give you the strength to stand in your authentic truth. An unhealthy ego can truly limit who you believe you are and what you believe you can accomplish.  An unhealthy ego will limit what you believe you can materialize in your reality. Manifesting great things will require you to build on a healthy ego state and push past your comfort zone.  Your trust in the universe will increase as you nurture your healthy ego. You will begin to eliminate any feelings of lack and limitation, therefore your expectation in the universe acknowledging your request will increase.  In order for us to expect the universe to show up for us, we must be capable of showing up for ourselves. We align what we expect in the world based on our own self-expectations. Take Powerful Action Taking action is a huge part of the manifestation process. The process of taking forward moving action toward your goals nurtures your communication with the universe. As you take one step forward the universe answers back in response You will build more trust in the universe as signs continue to show up in your reality. You’ll find that in response to your action-taking forward movement, the universe will continue to send you signs and synchronicities in response.  Communicate with the universe by taking intentional action steps forward, toward your desires. Your faith

How to Create Space for Your Manifestation

How to Create Space for Your Manifestation When you embrace becoming an active power manifestor, you soon realize that the entire process is an Energy Game. We are energetic beings, that live in an energetic universe, and walk a physical experience. Energy is in constant movement and thus everything we manifest has an energetic match.   Once you have set your sights on a desire, you will notice that it will not materialize until you have made space for it. It’s like attempting to overfill an already full plate on Thanksgiving Day (for my stateside folks) or trying to stuff more clothes in a closet that’s already full. So, how do you create energetic space to allow your manifestation to flow in smoothly? In this article, we’ll dig into my top methods to create energetic space so your manifestations can come in quickly. These methods will allow your desires to flow in easily and show up in your reality as quickly as possible with little resistance.  When you become a conscious manifestor the process of creating energetic space will become second nature. This process is not one to be overlooked as a lot of people find themselves stuck and stagnant awaiting a manifestation that has yet to materialize because your manifestation is awaiting you to make space for it.  My goal is to assist you in avoiding the holding pattern we find ourselves in as our desires await us to simply make room for it. Take an Energetic Audit of Where you are Take an energetic audit of where you are at present and if there is space for your manifestation to flow in. Gain clarity on what you desire to manifest is the first step I recommend. Clarity is our compass that points and navigates our energy toward what we desire. Once you become clear on your manifestation you’ll then be in a position to determine if space is required.  Take a moment to hone in on what you truly desire to manifest and bring into your reality at this time. Be overly attentive to the details of what you’re calling in. Visualize what your life would look like at this time if your manifestation just showed up. This clarity will help you determine if space is needed and if an energetic clearing of clutter is needed at present.  The ultimate goal is to bring clarity to what you desire to manifest. Once you can clearly see what it is you desire, in your mind’s eye, you’ll then be able to confirm if anything is standing in the way of your manifestation materializing at this time. [Related] Top 8 Signs your Manifestation is on its way Determine If There Is Stuck Energy You can move forward with pinpointing any stuck and stagnant energy once you have clarified what you desire to manifest.  For example, if you are manifesting a new job, are you holding onto a job that no longer suits you? If you are manifesting a relationship are you holding onto a Karmic partnership that is no longer serving your highest good? If you are manifesting a car, are you holding onto a car that no longer functions for your lifestyle? This is what stuck, stagnant energy looks like. You desire to manifest something but there is something taking space in that area that no longer serves you. This will be the area where the energy will need to be transmuted.  This will require you to have radical honesty with yourself and where you are right now energetically. Tap in and be as truthful as you can with where you stand in that area of your life. If you are holding onto stale energy then it’s time to move forward to the next step, letting go. Transmute The Energy By Letting Go The Divine would never require us to release something that is for our highest good. The process of letting go is a practice we must embrace in order to manifest better in our lives.  Letting go is a struggle I’ve had to overcome as well. Most of us experience trouble letting go and releasing when we have a lack mindset or struggle with scarcity consciousness. When the fear of not having enough overcomes us that our instinct is to hold onto the thing, regardless of the hindrance that it could possibly pose in our life. This mental trigger has most likely been created by struggles we’ve experienced in our lives. Struggles that we may have endured when assistance was required in a particular area may not have shown up or there was a shocking unforeseen change in our circumstances. What has assisted me with shifting from a scarcity/lack mindset to an abundance mindset is reminding myself that the universe is always in a state of surplus. The Universal Law of Abundance states that there exist sufficient resources to accomplish anything we desire to do. The universe will always bring in a divine replacement for whatever we release when it’s done with the intention to draw better into our experience. [Related] 17-Second Manifestation Method in 5 Steps Now, I’m not recommending that you walk off your job, disengage with your partner, or break your lease. What I am suggesting is that once you have acknowledged that you desire more in a particular area of your life, then it’s time to determine if there are any present energies holding space that would cause any resistance to your manifestation flowing in. If so, it’s time to carefully and gracefully plan your release. Remember that energy flows through the path of least resistance. Your initiative to release stagnant energy sends a signal to the universe that you are making space for your manifestation to flow in and that you have faith in the divine.  Energy loves to take up space, so when you clear energy by letting go, energy rushes in to fill that space. So though there will be a removal of energy in that area of your life,

8 Ways to Awaken Your Divine Feminine Energy​

8 Ways to Awaken Your Divine Feminine Energy The Universe is constantly seeking balance in all things. Divine Feminine and Masculine Energy is the expression of Universal Duality. Both of these energies, in balance, are essential for very powerful energetic expression. Awakening and tapping into my divine feminine energy was such a huge part of my personal ascension journey. The divine feminine essence goes beyond physical gender. As a female, I am very comfortable with my action-focused masculine energy. Divine feminine energy is our Yin Energy and divine masculine energy is our Yang Energy. Chinese cosmology focuses on these two forces, though different polarities are complementary. A balance and mix of both energetic forces are required to harness our Chi, or life force energy.  Before we go into how to awaken your divine feminine energy let us first define the difference between your divine feminine and your divine masculine energy. Everything has a low and high vibrational attribute, so we’ll be digging into the high vibrational divine feminine and masculine here.  The qualities of a high vibrational divine feminine are receptive, intuitive, forgiving, creative, reflective, empathic, and sensual. When you tap into your divine feminine energy at a high vibration, you’ll be nurturing and others will benefit from your healing aura. The low vibrational expression of the feminine energy will manifest as jealousy, stagnancy, impatience, and disempowerment. A high vibrational divine masculine will easily express itself as highly protective, assertive, action-oriented, and logical. Stable divine masculine energy will be very providing, goal-oriented, and easily take on a leadership role. Toxic masculinity will be overly aggressive, arrogant, competitive, violent, and unemotional.   Regardless of gender, everyone should seek to evoke and stabilize both their divine feminine and masculine energy. In this article, we’ll dive into 8 ways to awaken and balance your divine feminine energy. Receive and Be Open I grew up in an atmosphere where the act of self-sacrifice and overgiving was glorified over the act of receiving. That made it very difficult for me to be in a receptive state or even justify that receiving was an act of self-love and high vibrational. You could imagine how hard it was to give me a gift or offer me assistance at that time.  My journey with the Divine has taught me that we live in a balanced Universe and the ability to receive, high vibrationally, allows that balance to be expressed. The Universe appreciates and supports harmony in all things.  The act of receiving spans various means, like money, gifts, compliments, assistance on a project, or even advice. The ability to receive means the ability to accept, as well as to allow oneself to be vulnerable. Receiving doesn’t make you weak in any way and on the contrary, expresses great strength.  This will require you to shift the energetic vibration you are attuned to when you are in a state of receptivity. Resist the urge to feel that you are losing something by receiving. You are instead, allowing the Universe to maintain its delicate energetic balance. You can give at a high vibration and also receive at a high vibrational state as well.  Personally, this took practice and active awareness for me to master. I proactively conditioned myself to allow the act of receiving to feel like a high vibrational divine act. So, every time I was offered assistance, in any capacity, I resisted the urge to turn it away and allowed myself to receive it. As long as what was being offered to me was high vibrational and aligned with my authentic truth, I saw it as giving others the gift of divine giving. Tap into Your Intuition Divine Feminine Energy is related to Yin Energy and the Elements of Earth and Water. Mother Earth, Gaia, is the original Goddess Energy. Water relates to our psychic abilities and our intuition. Tapping into and trusting your intuition will help you awaken your divine feminine essence.  Tapping into our Intuitive gifts connects us to not only the Divine Creator but to the collective unconscious. Intuition is a gift of the Divine Feminine and requires us to be in a state of receptivity so that we can be intune to receive intuitive hits.  Trusting your Intuition comes down to the ability to trust yourself, your gut feelings, your inner voice, your hunches & inner knowing. We are all intuitive beings, we only need to develop it.  You can develop your intuition through meditation, using oracle cards, keeping a dream journal, and trusting your instincts. Embrace Self-Love We’ve all heard the expression “How can you love someone if you don’t love yourself”. In the energetic world that we live in, the universal Law of Attraction will draw to us what we are a vibrational match to.  Embracing self-love is an art and a journey. It’s about appreciating yourself; mind, body, and spirit. Love yourself enough to put boundaries in place with anyone that seeks to disturb your balance and peace.  The core of the divine feminine essence is about knowing your worth and loving yourself. This allows you to tap into how valuable you are as a high vibrational divine being. Your essence has the ability to nurture and support others on their path and is a high honor. Holding yourself in high esteem will ensure that those around you will not dare step into your energy with low vibrational aims as you will no longer be a match to low vibrational energy. Begin loving yourself by focusing on what you need and refusing to compromise on the level of care that you deserve. Be proud of who you authentically are and nurture your self-esteem so that others can no longer define who you are. Live in your authentic truth and resist the desire to wear a mask for anyone’s comfort.  [Related] 10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Instantly Express Your Creativity Tapping into the divine feminine energy is easily harnessed through the power of creativity. Awakening this sacred energy calls us to

10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Instantly

10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Instantly Everything in the Universe is Energy and the Law of Vibration states that everything is in constant vibration or motion. Your thoughts, words, and emotions vibrate and the rate at which you vibrate will determine what we manifest. A strong high vibration can manifest easily, smoothly, and quickly. You can still Manifest at a low vibration, but they may come into your reality slowly. Manifestations produced from a low vibration may also not be fully aligned with your truest desire. The Law of Attraction works in partnership with the Law of Vibration. So, how high or low your vibration will directly affect what you can attract into your personal world. Raising your Vibration works in your favor all around. I don’t feed into the “High Vibe All The Time” lie. Your vibration will fluctuate and that is perfectly ok. Our goal is to not stay in a low vibrational energy for an extended period of time. Shortening the time that your vibration is low will decrease the possibility that you manifest low vibrational things. I’m going to share with you my Top 10 go-to’s when I want to Raise my Vibration instantly. So let’s get into it. Dance Like Noone’s watching The worst thing you can do when you’re feeling low is listen to sad songs. Create a playlist that puts you in that Boss B Energy, that reminds you that you are amazing and powerful. Remember that whatever you’re going through is for a short time and not a long time.  I’m growing my Vinyl Collection as well because the frequency emitted is higher. Regardless of how you listen to your music, playing motivational, inspiring, ‘go get it’ music will help elevate you. Take a Cleansing Spiritual Bath Spiritual Baths are one of my favorite methods to raise my vibration, especially if I’ve gone through something energetically disruptive. We all have interruptions in our lives that seem to throw our energy out of alignment. A Spiritual Bath is an easy way to cleanse the energetic gunk. The base of any good Spiritual Bath will contain Sea Salt, herbs, and crystals. You can add Rose Petals, Florida water and so much more. You can really take your time and incorporate whatever speaks to you. Soak for 20-30 minutes, relax and visualize any negative energy being washed away.  Healing Solfeggio Frequencies There are 9 Solfeggio Frequencies that are my go-to’s. My fallback frequencies are 174Hz for stress relief, 417Hz for removing negativity, and 528Hz for repairing DNA. I normally play all 9 Frequencies in the background as I write articles like this one. Find a way to incorporate playing the frequencies when you take a walk, do chores, or even when you sleep. These frequencies will balance your energy and keep you in Vibrational Harmony.  Related Articles Top 8 Signs Your Manifestation is on its way 9 Steps to Set Powerful Intentions Charge Your Water Masaru Emoto brought us evidence that the molecular structure of water is affected by frequency and speech. The human body is about 60% water, so if we charge our water and then drink it we can change our own molecular structure.  I charge my water with Selenite Frequencies, Solfeggio Frequencies and I will even say “I Love You” to my water. I always try to prep my water energetically for the day. Since you most likely drink 4-6 cups of water daily, why not Level Up your water with a vibrational charge.  Don’t Underestimate the Energy of Gratitude I start my day with the expression of Gratitude and Appreciation. Gratitude is a high vibration to be in and it helps to draw your attention back to what is working in your life. Take time to acknowledge the support from the Universe, your Ancestors, and Guides.  Make space in your day to harness the powerful energy of Gratitude and bring your attention to the comforts in your life regardless of how small it may seem. Express appreciation for the people you have around you that support your journey. Gratitude will help remind you that you are supported by the universe as well and that you will continue to be supported through whatever you are going through.  Laughter is Truly The Best Medicine When I was going through a rough time in my life, I spoke to a friend who gave me advice with a side of comedy. It helped to remind me that what I was going through really wasn’t that serious and this physical journey we are all on is really not that heavy. I still remember how hard I laughed at what was meant to keep me in an energetic lack state of mind.  Well, the joke is on them cause I laughed my way right back into my High Vibration. So, watch a cartoon, comedy show or a really funny movie. Indulge in anything that will get you laughing and out of that low vibrational frequency.  Of course, there is science behind how laughter helps to relieve stress as well as how it triggers emotional changes in the body. But really, when did you ever feel bad when you had a good laugh? Heal with the Element of Air Get yourself outside and get some fresh air stat! I’m guilty of staying inside when I’m feeling down, but when I pull myself together to take a long walk and breathe in the fresh air I instantly feel rejuvenated.  When there is a gust of strong wind, I also envision the Air Element blowing away any negative energy that may be attached to my Auric Field. Cleanse with the Air Element through breathwork, lighting incense, or my favorite using a Tibetan Tingsha.  Channel your Creative Energy I am always in a high vibration when I’m creating something, writing, designing, drawing, or singing. I always recommend that if you are feeling low to tap into what brings you back to flow. Whatever you do creatively that raises your

10 Tips to Survive Mercury Retrograde

10 Tips to Survive Mercury Retrograde Three to Four times a year Mercury goes Retrograde and feels like it kicks all of our energetic butts one way or another. Mercury Rules the Third House of communication, the intellect, technology, our social lives, and transportation. So you will begin to feel that you need a little extra support in these areas of your life. Before we get into my list of 10 Survival Tips for Mercury Retrograde, let’s start at the beginning. What is Mercury Retrograde? During Mercury Retrograde the planet Mercury seems to orbit backward. Now, the planet doesn’t actually begin to move backward but it appears so in the sky. This optical illusion happens because Mercury will actually be rotating the sun faster than the Earth. Mercury Retrograde lasts about three to four weeks with a Pre and Post Shadow Period lasting another three weeks before and after the retrograde. So yes, it’s a full-on journey for us all. During the Mercury Retrograde period, our Third House Energy is shaken and stirred. So, the way we communicate, write, speak, interpret, and travel feels a bit off wack. This time fuels our need to express patience and understanding with ourselves and others.  Take additional time to plan ahead and communicate clearly with others to reduce any misunderstandings. Check any technology that you use to communicate like your cell phone, computer, Ipads, etc. This is the time where the technology we use that may have needed to be replaced, upgraded, or fixed will command attention by shutting down or breaking.  Mercury Retrograde is also a time where past lovers, friends, and acquaintances seem to reach out the most. Past acquaintances may feel pushed to communicate with you what they may have been holding back. So a lot of “Blasts from the Past” pop up during this time, so expect text messages, DMs, letters, and phone calls from people of the past. Try to ensure that you don’t get pushed to communicate with people, especially those that you’ve closed cycles. How to Survive Mercury Retrograde There is no need to worry about Mercury Retrograde. You can definitely navigate the energy, especially now that you’re aware. There are a few Survival tactics I use to navigate the energy and stay in balance. If you stick to my personal tips you will be just fine and sail smoothly through this Mercury Retrograde Energy. So here we go. Back it up I remember how hard I cried when my external hard drive died on me. But I knew that it was coming to the end of its journey and the files I lost that day still haunt me. Now is a time to back up and save any important projects, documents, data you’ve been working on. The technology check-up that you’ve been putting off may swing back around screaming for your attention. Mercury is the planet for communication, so any communication devices that you use that have been needing attention will be more prone to glitching or just shutting down at this time. So ensure that the equipment you use is in tip-top shape; cell phones, laptops, tablets, hard drives, etc.  Related Articles 10 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy 8 Signs Your Manifestation is on its way Focus on current projects only Mercury Retrograde Energy doesn’t support the start or launch of any new projects. Now is the best time to nurture any current, active projects you’ve already started. Pour energy into what you have already initiated. Wrapping up anything outstanding is a better use of your focus than attempting to start a brand new project from the ground up.   If you have an existing business, focus on how you can take your business to the next level, or how you can nurture your existing client base.  The Devil is in the Details This is a time where the details matter the most. This is not the time to rush read any agreements or quickly sign any contracts. Take your time and read through everything. Getting a second pair of eyes on any important documents can’t hurt either. Your signature is powerful, so before you sign any deals take your time, slow down and ensure that you understand everything and are in full agreement before you give your consent. Drive Slow Homie Canceling travel plans outright may not be in the cards for you, so traveling may be inevitable. Recheck your travel plans, meeting times and give yourself extra travel time to arrive at your destination. Try to ensure your luggage is tagged and all your documents are double printed. Take your time driving, switching lanes, or riding in the bike lane. Take Time and Align Nothing in your world that’s in perfect Alignment will be affected during the Retrograde period. If anything that you thought was in alignment breaks down or gets shaken up, take this as an indication to recalibrate that area of your life. This is the best time to get into complete Alignment with your path. Slow down your world for a bit to review what you have going on and truly ask yourself if this is supporting your path to where you desire to be. Take stock of everything you have going on at this time. Spend Time to Love on Yourself Level up your Self Love game because you are a priority too. Spiritual Baths, Meditation, Clearing your Chakras, Getting enough sleep, Journal, take a walk, drink more water, and exercise. Taking extra time for yourself works in your favor because focusing on you will raise your vibration and the vibration of the ones around you.  Clear the Subconscious Clutter Mercury is the planet for Communication, not only with others but with ourselves. How we speak to ourselves has a big impact on what we can manifest in our lives. Now is a great time to really examine how you talk to yourself. Cut out any negative self-talk and remind yourself, out loud, of all your positive

17 Second Manifestation Method in 5 Steps

17 Second Manifestation Method in 5 Steps We manifest and attract into our reality what we are a vibrational match to. The process of manifesting works in collaboration with many universal laws but the law of vibration works alongside the law of attraction to attract to us what we vibrate.  The 17 Second Manifestation Concept, introduced by Abraham-Hicks, answers the question “How long will it take to activate a new vibration?”. Abraham-Hicks answers this for us, 17 seconds is all it takes to shift our vibration. If you are vibrating the energy of lack, then with focus and 17 seconds you can shift the vibration to that of abundance.  What we think, speak and feel all vibrate and the quality of those words and thoughts will determine the speed.  This is the step-by-step process for activating a new vibration in 17 Seconds. Use this17 Second Method to Manifest one thing at a time. You can manifest multiple things at once, yes, but I recommend that when using this method to keep things hyper-focused on one thing until you feel your vibration change. Step 1: Decide what you’re Manifesting This is the most important and exciting step of the whole process. This is the time to decide what you’d like to call in. The Universe is on your side and will support you so the ball is in your court. What would you like? This step requires a bit of time and patience before we get into the 17 Second Method. Now is the time for you to determine where you will be placing your energetic focus.  Be as detailed as you can get. If you are manifesting a car, ask yourself questions to gain clarity on the car. As questions like, what type of car, what color, what model? If you are having a difficult time with details look up pictures online to support you. If you are focusing on money, how much, what would you use the money for?  You get the idea, be detailed.  Step 2: Visualization Once you’ve decided on what you’re manifesting and have found the details, now is the time to bring your manifestation to life in your mind. This step is in preparation for the 17 seconds you’ll spend with hyper-focused intent.  This is the step for you to create your manifestation in detail in your mind so that it’s easy, in the future, to recall your manifestation in your mind. Visualization is such a huge part of the manifestation process. You have to be able to see your manifestation before you can call it into your physical reality.  Spend as much time on this step as you need. Build your Visualization skills using your desire. Build each part of your manifestation in your mind, and watch it come to life. Reference back to your pictures if needed. Using your pictures and then closing your eyes to recreate them in your mind. Step 3: 17 Second Feeling Focus This is the fun part. Once you have visualized your manifestation in your mind, hold the image and focus on the feeling for 17 seconds. You activate the vibration by feeling your manifestation.  Money, how does it feel to log into your bank account and see that money there? Car, how would it feel to put the key in the driver’s side door, and get into the driver’s seat? House, how would it feel walking in the front door and hanging your coat up? You get the idea. Really allow yourself to feel into it. Smile, laugh and feel appreciation and gratitude.  Related Articles 8 Signs your manifestation is on its way 10 ways to raise your vibration instantly Step 4: 68 Seconds To Really Bring It In The longer you can hold your visualization and keep the feeling the stronger the vibration will get. This is the time to really allow the new vibration to set by going another 3 rounds of 17, so 51 additional seconds. This brings you to 68 seconds, a bit over a minute.  Daydreaming gets a bad wrap, but you are daydreaming with a purpose. Now, if you want to get really crazy just keep going. Set your timer for 2 minutes or more.  I actually work this method 2 times a day alongside other methods we’ll discuss in another article.  Step 5: Let The Universe Go To Work This is such an important step. Don’t over obsess throughout the day wondering if you performed the 17-second method right.  If you visualized your manifestation, felt it in high vibration for 17 seconds or more, you did the method correctly. Go about the rest of your day knowing that you activated and strengthened the vibration of what you are manifesting and that it’s on its way to you.  Continue to work this method until your manifestation shows up in your physical reality. Remember that you must take action as well. So don’t work this method and then sit on the couch watching Netflix. You must meet the Universe halfway by taking aligned action.  Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs, Eboni Bee Eboni Brathwaite Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick. Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Tiktok Pinterest Top 8 Signs Your Manifestation is on its way Read More 10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Instantly Read More 10 Tips to Survive Mercury Retrograde Read More 17 Second Manifestation Method in 5 Steps Read More 9 Steps to Set Powerful Intentions Read More How to Manifest Money Fast Read More 10 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy Read More Guiding Synchronicities Read More Eboni Brathwaite Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Tiktok Pinterest Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy. 

9 Steps to Set Powerful Intentions

9 Steps to Set Powerful Intentions Setting Powerful intentions is so important if you want your desires to manifest.  Setting intentions helps you to communicate clearly to the Universe what you’re calling in. By setting aside the time you can check in with yourself and your energy. This will help you fully tap into what you’re manifesting. Intention Setting will prove to be one of the most powerful rituals you set into place. What is an Intention? Intention setting is far from a “to-do list” and goes way beyond “goal setting”.  Intention Setting is so much more than that. When you set an intention you intentionally put your energy behind a particular outcome. In this process, you’ll direct that energy to breathe life into your manifestation.  You plant these energy-packed seeds and water them daily with energy and action. Intention Setting is where you make a declaration to the Universe for what you want to call into your reality.  The intentions you set can be as big as a house or as small as a cup of coffee. When I began on my journey I started with how I wanted to start my morning. I began setting intentions as a daily practice to ensure my mornings were infused with positive energy and at the highest vibration. How to Set Powerful Intentions? Intention setting is about clearly communicating to the Universe by getting your Energy aligned with what you’re calling in. You take Aligned Action as needed but you release and leave the major work behind the scenes up to universal powers. Step 1: Select the Area for your Intention Intentions can be set for any area of your life; your morning, health, fitness, living situation, finance, relationships, etc. Choosing which area you’d like to focus on is where it all starts. If you’re not sure where to start then start with the area that you feel you’re stuck in a rut or can’t seem to make progress with but you know you have great potential. By taking that particular area through the Intention Setting Progress you will infuse that area with great energy and start to see major changes. In short, pick your area of focus.  Related Articles 8 Signs your manifestation is on its way Guiding Synchronicities Step 2: Develop Your Daily Practice This is where it all begins; setting and developing a daily practice. This will ensure that your Intention setting goes beyond a simple practice but upgrades to an actual ritual.  It takes an estimated 21 days to 1 month to form a habit. I suggest that you pair your Intention Setting practice with something that you do every day. For example, I sit down to drink tea with toast every morning to write in my journal and I now pair that alone time with my intention setting ritual. what do you do every morning, afternoon or evening that you can pair with your intention setting practice? Step 3: Meditate and Breathe Meditation can intimidate some people, as most people envision mediation as this grand event where you have to put on chanting music, get a meditation pillow, sit Indian style and hum. Meditation is not this lavish event that you need to set up and prepare for. Let me demystify this for you, you can meditate anywhere and everywhere. Yes, I meditate on the crowded subway train, sitting at my desk, brushing my teeth, making tea or washing the dishes.  The only thing you need to Meditate is yourself. To get started, set yourself in a comfortable position and focus on your breathing. Close your eyes (if you feel comfortable) and as you breathe in and out deeply focus on your body, how your body moves as you inhale and exhale.  This step is very important to slow your thoughts so that you can connect with yourself and set a powerful intention.  Step 4: The Universe Appreciates Specificity Intentions can be as big or small as you’d like them to be. I began my journey by just setting an intention for my mornings. My intentions were specific to the energy I wanted to infuse into my day and the experiences that I was calling upon.  The goal of the intention-setting process is to focus your energy on one area you’d like to call in. as you become more skilled you can add more than one focus to your Intention Setting Ritual. For now, we’ll focus on one area to avoid overwhelm. Step 5: Energetically Connect This is the time you’ll need to put in a bit of energetic work in order to connect and breath life into your intention. Take a moment to feel into the details of what you’re calling in. If you are setting an intention for a new car, connect with you how you’d feel getting into the car, putting on the seatbelt, driving off the lot, driving home and parking the car. If you’re setting an intention for a new home, feel into the energy of walking into your new home, and how you’d decorate your new home.  The energy is sourced by the feeling behind what you’re calling. This process will help make your intention setting that much more powerful and also raise your vibration in the process.   Step 6: Gratitude Attitude The frequency associated with Gratitude is so strong, positive and powerful. Tapping into gratitude and active appreciation can assist in magnetically attracting what you’re calling in. Taking a moment to feel into appreciating your past will send strong communicative signals to the universe that you are grateful for what you have and that you’re ready for more.   I think of it as simply appreciating the past so I can create an amazing present. If you can’t appreciate where you’ve been then how are you going to appreciate where you’re going? Don’t be afraid of taking that mental step back so that you can propel yourself into an Amazing future.  If you already keep a journal, then making space

How to Manifest Money Fast

How to Manifest Money Fast Who couldn’t use more money?? One of the first things I wanted to learn and focus my energy on was How to Manifest Money Fast! I have been there before, the uncomfortable position of waiting for the next payday and having to stretch the few dollars in my bank account for another week. So, I began to dig into the journey of Manifesting Money and locked the base principles down that worked every time. Once I mastered these principles manifesting money has become easier and easier for me and money finds its way to flow to me in different ways every single time.  Now, if you’re searching for a way to manifest money fast then you’re most likely familiar with The Law of Attraction and the Energy of Money.   I wanted to share with you the principles I use and the go-to steps I’ve learned to manifest money fast. These steps will bring you into the highest vibrational state to attract money to you effortlessly and quickly. Step 1: Appreciate The Money You Have Now Before you begin the journey of Manifesting Money you should tap into appreciating where you are right now. Regardless of the money that’s in your bank account now do your best to show appreciation for the money you have access to today.  By skipping this step you’ll enter into the process of manifesting money with the energy of urgency and that urgency will affect your vibration. Being in a lower vibrational state can actually affect your Money Manifestation success. Step 2: Become a Vibrational Match to Money Most of us grew up in households where no one liked to pay the bills. The energy around receiving a Bill or having to pay the bill was not a positive one. My vibration was high when I got paid but low when I had to pay my Cable Bill and I knew that this needed to change if I wanted to be a match to money flowing to me.  No one likes to pay the bills but Money is Energy and Energy needs to flow in and out…positively so you can attract more. So you’ll need to upgrade this mindset so you can manifest money fast.  Tap into the energetic flow of money. Money Flows in through your paychecks, clients, refunds, bonuses, reimbursements, rewards, etc. Money Flows out through Bills for the products and services you’ve already received.  So you should practice tapping into positive emotions when paying your bills. Appreciate the services or products you received and the money you have to pay for it. This will increase the flow of abundance to you.  Step 3: Clear Your Money Energy Take a look at your Purse, Wallet, or Wristlet and take a look at the state it’s in right now. If you see it’s stuffed with old receipts or it’s in really bad condition then it’s time for a cleanse.  It’s pretty hard to manifest the new in if something is cluttering up space now. Clear out all the old receipt papers and junk that may be taking up space. Give your wallet a good wipe down or replace it altogether.  If you want to kick it up a notch then you can incorporate Sage and Crystals. You can burn sage and allow the smoke to enter in and around your wallet. This will help get rid of any old, stagnant or negative energy that may be surrounding your wallet. You can even keep a small crystal in there too, I like are Clear Quartz, Pyrite, Citrine, and Green Aventurine.   Related Articles 10 Ways to Raise your Vibration Instantly 8 Signs your manifestation is on its way Step 4: Be Specific and Set your Intention Clarity is King when Manifesting Money. So, communicate to the Universe the exact amount you’d like to call in.  When I made a general statement like “I want to manifest more money” I found that the amount I would manifest varied like $5 or $10.  When you take the time to be specific you are avoiding the pitfall of manifesting by default. Know the amount you want to call in so that you can intentionally create it.  Step 5: Tap into the Energy of Money The Energy behind your manifestation is the secret sauce. It’s the fuel that drives your money manifestation to you and how quickly. The more potent the fuel the faster you will receive.  Take a moment to feel good about the amount of money you are manifesting. Get excited by the thought of it coming to you. Feels like it’s already yours, it technically is it just hasn’t gotten to you yet.   Most of us want to shoot for the stars with an inflated amount but if the idea of Manifesting $10,000 scares you or you immediately feel that amount could not flow to you then choose another amount. An amount you can get your energy behind that is believable and feels good to you.  Manifesting $10 will feel very different and is a completely different energy than Manifesting $100, $1000, or $10,000.  So choose your number and Get Excited! [Related] 10 Powerful ways to protect your energy  Step 6: Feel The Money Already Manifesting Feel the feeling of having already manifested the amount you’re calling in.  For example, if you’re manifesting $1,000, then how would it feel to have that amount right now? Picture having that amount in your hands or in your bank account.  Tap into that feeling and hold it for as long as you can. Try this exercise for longer and longer lengths of time. It will become normal after a while to hold the feeling of having that amount of money.   This exercise will help you increase your comfortability with the amount of money you’re calling in and the faster you can get your energy behind your Money Manifestation the faster it will come to you.  Step 7: Feel worthy of Money You live in an

10 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy

10 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy We live in a vibrational universe where being surrounded by positivity and happiness can raise your vibration. But on the flip side, being around negativity, gossip, toxic environments can lower your vibration. A low vibration can leave you feeling drained, tired, unmotivated, anxious or depressed. Having Powerful ways to protect your energy has never been so important. One of the most recurring questions I receive is “How do I protect and shield my energy”? You may encounter Energy Vampires, Low Vibrational people or situations along your journey. You may also be a naturally sensitive person or an Empath. Either way, it’s important to have a list of tools you can use to protect your energy in any situation. Here is a list of Powerful Tools you can use to Recharge, Cleanse and Protect your Energy. These tips, tricks, and tools have helped me protect my energy and raise my own vibration.  1. Tap into your Awareness Be present and tap into how you’re feeling in your current situation. Take a moment to pause and ask yourself how are you feeling. I will take a minute to check in with myself internally. This will allow me to get a sense of how I’m feeling right now. If I’m not feeling uplifted or positive in that conversation or current surroundings I will move away or stop altogether. 2. Set Energetic Boundaries I like to use the Mantra “Your Energy is Not My Energy”. Reminding yourself that you don’t have to shift into the energy of others is unbelievably powerful. Try to avoid getting mixed up in someone else’s energy. Tapping into what is yours and letting others keep what is theirs will help you stay in your current state.  3. Utilize Crystal Energy Crystals are amazing tools that can assist us on our journey. But they’ll always be just that, tools to be used. The crystals I like to use for protection are Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Rose Quartz, Onyx, and Amethyst. You can carry crystals in your purse, in your wallet or leave them at your desk. Wear them as jewelry or leave a small piece in your pocket. To begin using crystals you’ll need to cleanse and charge them. You can use Sage smoke to cleanse your crystals. Charge your crystals by leaving them in salt overnight, under a full moon, or in the sun. Now they’ll be ready to use by carrying them around for added protection to repel or remove unwanted energy.  Related Articles Top 8 signs your manifestation is on its way 17-second manifestation method in 5 steps 4. Smoke Cleansing Use smoke cleansing to clear your physical space or yourself. You can burn Sage, Palo Santo or a Sweetgrass Braid to perform your smoke cleansing ritual. After you gather your tool of choice set your intention before you begin. Close all the windows and hold your intention in your mind while you perform your smoke cleansing. Begin by lighting your Sage, Palo Santo or sweetgrass and slowly walking around your space. Then allow the smoke to fill your space. Finally, once the smoke has filled your space, open your windows to allow the negative energy or entities to exit. Be mindful and safe while using fire, don’t leave anything burning unattended. Also, don’t inhale the smoke directly and only fill the space with smoke as needed.  A great alternative if you are unable to use smoke cleansing is using a Liquid Sage Spray. This is perfect if you are in the office, shared space, or are using to protect children. I have used some sprays that are infused with quartz crystals and I always keep some handy. 5. Take a Salt Bath Salt baths can help you rebalance, ground, detox and cleanse your energy. You can use Epsom Salt, Himalayan Salt or mix the two for this cleansing bath. First, take your normal bath or shower to cleanse your skin. Then, fill your bathtub and mix in 1 cup of Epsom Salt. Take a moment to set the intention of the bath before you begin. An example of an intention is “This bath is intended to cleanse and protect my energy”. Proceed to soak for 20-25 mins. The magnesium and sulfate in Epsom Salt will easily absorb through the skin and help you produce energy. 6. Ground Yourself in Nature Grounding or Earthing is one of the easiest things you can do to recalibrate your energy. You can easily get started by taking a walk barefoot in the park and feeling the grass between your toes. I begin by visualizing roots from my feet planting itself in the earth. I visualize the negative energy flowing out the roots of my feet and positive energy flowing up from the earth to me. Focus on your breathing; inhale for 6 seconds then exhale for another 6 and also reconnect with your senses. Grounding helps to raise my energy extensively. [Related] 10 ways to raise your vibration instantly 7. Call upon Archangel Michael Archangel Michael is a warrior and is the Angel of Protection, Strength, and Courage. Archangel Michael will come to your aid the moment you call him to protect and guard you. You can call on Archangel Michael verbally or just through thought. Angels are always around to assist us but we must first ask. You can simply think or say “Archangel Micahel, please protect me now” and he will be by your side and provide you with the vibration of safety.  8. Remove Yourself and Create Space It sounds simple I know, but sometimes the easiest and fastest thing we can do is step away. Don’t fear what others may think of you just politely ‘excuse yourself’. Try not to feel “stuck” in any conversation that you can’t excuse yourself from. You’re not “stuck” around a  group of people that you know is not for our highest good. If you find it hard to step away, then