5 Ways To Build Trust In The Universe

5 Ways To Build Trust In The Universe We Manifest and co-create consciously and unconsciously with the universe. Manifestation is a team effort, a partnership, and a collaboration with the divine source. It’s as if we are partaking in a game of ‘Trust’, where we build on the belief that the Universe will catch us […]

How to Create Space for Your Manifestation

How to Create Space for Your Manifestation When you embrace becoming an active power manifestor, you soon realize that the entire process is an Energy Game. We are energetic beings, that live in an energetic universe, and walk a physical experience. Energy is in constant movement and thus everything we manifest has an energetic match.   […]

8 Ways to Awaken Your Divine Feminine Energy​

8 Ways to Awaken Your Divine Feminine Energy The Universe is constantly seeking balance in all things. Divine Feminine and Masculine Energy is the expression of Universal Duality. Both of these energies, in balance, are essential for very powerful energetic expression. Awakening and tapping into my divine feminine energy was such a huge part of […]

10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Instantly

10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Instantly Everything in the Universe is Energy and the Law of Vibration states that everything is in constant vibration or motion. Your thoughts, words, and emotions vibrate and the rate at which you vibrate will determine what we manifest. A strong high vibration can manifest easily, smoothly, and quickly. […]

10 Tips to Survive Mercury Retrograde

10 Tips to Survive Mercury Retrograde Three to Four times a year Mercury goes Retrograde and feels like it kicks all of our energetic butts one way or another. Mercury Rules the Third House of communication, the intellect, technology, our social lives, and transportation. So you will begin to feel that you need a little […]

17 Second Manifestation Method in 5 Steps

17 Second Manifestation Method in 5 Steps We manifest and attract into our reality what we are a vibrational match to. The process of manifesting works in collaboration with many universal laws but the law of vibration works alongside the law of attraction to attract to us what we vibrate.  The 17 Second Manifestation Concept, […]

9 Steps to Set Powerful Intentions

9 Steps to Set Powerful Intentions Setting Powerful intentions is so important if you want your desires to manifest.  Setting intentions helps you to communicate clearly to the Universe what you’re calling in. By setting aside the time you can check in with yourself and your energy. This will help you fully tap into what […]

How to Manifest Money Fast

How to Manifest Money Fast Who couldn’t use more money?? One of the first things I wanted to learn and focus my energy on was How to Manifest Money Fast! I have been there before, the uncomfortable position of waiting for the next payday and having to stretch the few dollars in my bank account […]

10 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy

10 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy We live in a vibrational universe where being surrounded by positivity and happiness can raise your vibration. But on the flip side, being around negativity, gossip, toxic environments can lower your vibration. A low vibration can leave you feeling drained, tired, unmotivated, anxious or depressed. Having Powerful ways to […]