Hi, I'm Eboni

A woman who’s all about Spirituality, Metaphysics, Manifestation, Mindset & Magick. Who’s in Love with Tarot Card, Crystals, and Coffee.

Hi, I’m Eboni

A woman who’s all about Spirituality, Metaphysics, Manifestation, Mindset & Magick. Who’s in Love with Tarot Card, Crystals, and Coffee.

Hi, I’m Eboni

A woman who’s all about Spirituality, Metaphysics, Manifestation, Mindset & Magick. Who’s in Love with Tarot Card, Crystals, and Coffee.

Once I made significant changes in my life I found myself following my passions unapologetically, connecting and calling in my Soul Family and Coaching others to do the same. I was able to take back control of my life and transform my reality. 

Taking responsibility of where I allowed my life to energetically take me was the first step. I uncovered the strength within to heal the wounds that lead me down my initial path and trust that the universe would guide me and always have a plan. Always sending signs and synchronicities that will eventually keep us moving forward.  

I became obsessed with learning, coveting coaching, courses, and exclusive trainings from the very best. I perfected my processes and have developed my own methodologies to help myself and others on their divine path. Systems that I would’ve benefited from at the start of my journey. 

I invested in myself and my calling and gained Certification in the below specialties and the list continues to expand. I am a student of the Universe and a constant seeker of Higher Knowledge & Truth; Manifesting the life that I desire and molding my future as I like.  

The most important thing you can have next to Magick is your trust in the Universe


·         Spiritual Coach

·         LOA/Manifestation Coach

·         EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Coach

·         Forgiveness Coach

·         Chakra Alignment Specialist


My Mission is to help you break the Mental Chains that are holding you back from Manifesting the Life that you desire and aid you in Living your Authentic Truth. My focus is on Energetic Transmutation which allows you to take control of your energy and direct it to Manifest and Call in whatever you desire. The money, house, partner, and lifestyle that you desire is already yours, waiting to be materialized.

We’re all at different stages of our journey and each stage is beautiful in it’s own Light. My Goal is to contribute and be of service to the collective, providing you with tools and strategies to help you in your pursuit of living your highest truth. 

You deserve to be living your best life now, it’s time to stop ‘waiting’ for something in order to ‘be’ who you already are. 



Eboni Bee