9 Steps to Set Powerful Intentions

Setting Powerful intentions is so important if you want your desires to manifest.  Setting intentions helps you to communicate clearly to the Universe what you’re calling in. By setting aside the time you can check in with yourself and your energy. This will help you fully tap into what you’re manifesting. Intention Setting will prove to be one of the most powerful rituals you set into place.

What is an Intention?

Intention setting is far from a “to-do list” and goes way beyond “goal setting”.  Intention Setting is so much more than that. When you set an intention you intentionally put your energy behind a particular outcome. In this process, you’ll direct that energy to breathe life into your manifestation. 

You plant these energy-packed seeds and water them daily with energy and action. Intention Setting is where you make a declaration to the Universe for what you want to call into your reality. 

The intentions you set can be as big as a house or as small as a cup of coffee. When I began on my journey I started with how I wanted to start my morning. I began setting intentions as a daily practice to ensure my mornings were infused with positive energy and at the highest vibration.

How to Set Powerful Intentions?

Intention setting is about clearly communicating to the Universe by getting your Energy aligned with what you’re calling in. You take Aligned Action as needed but you release and leave the major work behind the scenes up to universal powers.

Step 1: Select the Area for your Intention

Intentions can be set for any area of your life; your morning, health, fitness, living situation, finance, relationships, etc. Choosing which area you’d like to focus on is where it all starts. If you’re not sure where to start then start with the area that you feel you’re stuck in a rut or can’t seem to make progress with but you know you have great potential. By taking that particular area through the Intention Setting Progress you will infuse that area with great energy and start to see major changes. In short, pick your area of focus. 

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Step 2: Develop Your Daily Practice

This is where it all begins; setting and developing a daily practice. This will ensure that your Intention setting goes beyond a simple practice but upgrades to an actual ritual.  It takes an estimated 21 days to 1 month to form a habit. I suggest that you pair your Intention Setting practice with something that you do every day. For example, I sit down to drink tea with toast every morning to write in my journal and I now pair that alone time with my intention setting ritual. what do you do every morning, afternoon or evening that you can pair with your intention setting practice?

Step 3: Meditate and Breathe

Meditation can intimidate some people, as most people envision mediation as this grand event where you have to put on chanting music, get a meditation pillow, sit Indian style and hum. Meditation is not this lavish event that you need to set up and prepare for. Let me demystify this for you, you can meditate anywhere and everywhere. Yes, I meditate on the crowded subway train, sitting at my desk, brushing my teeth, making tea or washing the dishes. 

The only thing you need to Meditate is yourself. To get started, set yourself in a comfortable position and focus on your breathing. Close your eyes (if you feel comfortable) and as you breathe in and out deeply focus on your body, how your body moves as you inhale and exhale. 

This step is very important to slow your thoughts so that you can connect with yourself and set a powerful intention. 

Step 4: The Universe Appreciates Specificity

Intentions can be as big or small as you’d like them to be. I began my journey by just setting an intention for my mornings. My intentions were specific to the energy I wanted to infuse into my day and the experiences that I was calling upon. 

The goal of the intention-setting process is to focus your energy on one area you’d like to call in. as you become more skilled you can add more than one focus to your Intention Setting Ritual. For now, we’ll focus on one area to avoid overwhelm.

Step 5: Energetically Connect

This is the time you’ll need to put in a bit of energetic work in order to connect and breath life into your intention. Take a moment to feel into the details of what you’re calling in. If you are setting an intention for a new car, connect with you how you’d feel getting into the car, putting on the seatbelt, driving off the lot, driving home and parking the car. If you’re setting an intention for a new home, feel into the energy of walking into your new home, and how you’d decorate your new home. 

The energy is sourced by the feeling behind what you’re calling. This process will help make your intention setting that much more powerful and also raise your vibration in the process.  

Step 6: Gratitude Attitude

The frequency associated with Gratitude is so strong, positive and powerful. Tapping into gratitude and active appreciation can assist in magnetically attracting what you’re calling in. Taking a moment to feel into appreciating your past will send strong communicative signals to the universe that you are grateful for what you have and that you’re ready for more.  

I think of it as simply appreciating the past so I can create an amazing present. If you can’t appreciate where you’ve been then how are you going to appreciate where you’re going? Don’t be afraid of taking that mental step back so that you can propel yourself into an Amazing future. 

If you already keep a journal, then making space for what you’re grateful for. You can purchase a dedicated journal for your gratitude entries but you can utilize your current journal for this as well. 

Step 7: Detach and Let Go

I’ve found this to be one of the most difficult parts of the Intention Setting process. Find comfort in knowing that once you’ve set your intention you’ve already put it in motion. If you focus too much on the outcome you will start to seed worry into your intention. This worry will begin to sprout doubt and lower your vibration. You want to keep your vibration around your intention as high as possible. 

If you begin to feel too focused on the outcome then it’s time to welcome some much-needed distractions. Bring the focus away from the outcome of your intention and back to yourself. Ask yourself what you enjoy doing outside of what you’re calling in. Go to the movies, read a magazine, have a dance party, meet up with some friends, or take a walk. Anything you can do that can calm the worry and raise your vibration is a plus. 

Step 8: Let the Universe Take the Wheel

The moment that you set your intention(s) the Universe has begun to work in your favor. There are many co-creative powers at play beyond what we can comprehend and you should find comfort in knowing that. You will not see all the elements of what is happening behind the scenes but know that they are happening. 

The Universe got your back so place trust that the Universe has got you! The Universe does not judge anything you set into motion. Once you declare it, the Universe has already begun to move and shift situations in your favor.

There is no need for you to do anything extra outside the normal. There is no brute force style action you need to take just let the Universe Take the wheel. 

Step 9: Protect Your Energy

Some people will share their intentions with any and everyone. To each their own, but know that the energy surrounding your intentions are sacred. You are embarking on a new journey to produce a particular outcome. There is great power in sharing your intentions with others, but unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure who is or isn’t sending positive energy your way. 

It may be beneficial to set much-needed boundaries with people in regard to your intentions. For example, If you are setting an intention for a new car, and the people around you are making statements like “you know you don’t have money for that car”, or “that car is way too nice for you”, then it’s time to reexamine that relationship.

The people around you should support you regardless of what you’re calling in. Surround yourself with people that want nothing but the best for you. The Universe does not and will not judge you so no one on this earthly plan should. 

Intention Setting is an everyday process and you should continue to set aside time every day for your ritual. Stay focused and embrace that this is a journey so enjoy the journey. 

There is no right or wrong way to set intentions, the process is as unique as we are. There are no rules, stay flexible and open to trying different things. Consistency will help you find a process that works for you. I hope that sharing my process will help you create, sculpt, refine or add to your own intention setting practice.

If you don’t have a daily intention setting ritual in place I suggest starting with one element at a time. With time you can build on your ritual slowly so that it becomes your own. 

Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs,

Eboni Bee

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick.

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy.