8 Ways to Awaken Your Divine Feminine Energy

The Universe is constantly seeking balance in all things. Divine Feminine and Masculine Energy is the expression of Universal Duality. Both of these energies, in balance, are essential for very powerful energetic expression.

Awakening and tapping into my divine feminine energy was such a huge part of my personal ascension journey. The divine feminine essence goes beyond physical gender. As a female, I am very comfortable with my action-focused masculine energy. Divine feminine energy is our Yin Energy and divine masculine energy is our Yang Energy. Chinese cosmology focuses on these two forces, though different polarities are complementary. A balance and mix of both energetic forces are required to harness our Chi, or life force energy. 

Before we go into how to awaken your divine feminine energy let us first define the difference between your divine feminine and your divine masculine energy. Everything has a low and high vibrational attribute, so we’ll be digging into the high vibrational divine feminine and masculine here. 

The qualities of a high vibrational divine feminine are receptive, intuitive, forgiving, creative, reflective, empathic, and sensual. When you tap into your divine feminine energy at a high vibration, you’ll be nurturing and others will benefit from your healing aura. The low vibrational expression of the feminine energy will manifest as jealousy, stagnancy, impatience, and disempowerment.

A high vibrational divine masculine will easily express itself as highly protective, assertive, action-oriented, and logical. Stable divine masculine energy will be very providing, goal-oriented, and easily take on a leadership role. Toxic masculinity will be overly aggressive, arrogant, competitive, violent, and unemotional.  

Regardless of gender, everyone should seek to evoke and stabilize both their divine feminine and masculine energy. In this article, we’ll dive into 8 ways to awaken and balance your divine feminine energy.

Receive and Be Open

I grew up in an atmosphere where the act of self-sacrifice and overgiving was glorified over the act of receiving. That made it very difficult for me to be in a receptive state or even justify that receiving was an act of self-love and high vibrational. You could imagine how hard it was to give me a gift or offer me assistance at that time. 

My journey with the Divine has taught me that we live in a balanced Universe and the ability to receive, high vibrationally, allows that balance to be expressed. The Universe appreciates and supports harmony in all things. 

The act of receiving spans various means, like money, gifts, compliments, assistance on a project, or even advice. The ability to receive means the ability to accept, as well as to allow oneself to be vulnerable. Receiving doesn’t make you weak in any way and on the contrary, expresses great strength. 

This will require you to shift the energetic vibration you are attuned to when you are in a state of receptivity. Resist the urge to feel that you are losing something by receiving. You are instead, allowing the Universe to maintain its delicate energetic balance. You can give at a high vibration and also receive at a high vibrational state as well. 

Personally, this took practice and active awareness for me to master. I proactively conditioned myself to allow the act of receiving to feel like a high vibrational divine act. So, every time I was offered assistance, in any capacity, I resisted the urge to turn it away and allowed myself to receive it. As long as what was being offered to me was high vibrational and aligned with my authentic truth, I saw it as giving others the gift of divine giving.

Tap into Your Intuition

Divine Feminine Energy is related to Yin Energy and the Elements of Earth and Water. Mother Earth, Gaia, is the original Goddess Energy. Water relates to our psychic abilities and our intuition. Tapping into and trusting your intuition will help you awaken your divine feminine essence. 

Tapping into our Intuitive gifts connects us to not only the Divine Creator but to the collective unconscious. Intuition is a gift of the Divine Feminine and requires us to be in a state of receptivity so that we can be intune to receive intuitive hits. 

Trusting your Intuition comes down to the ability to trust yourself, your gut feelings, your inner voice, your hunches & inner knowing. We are all intuitive beings, we only need to develop it. 

You can develop your intuition through meditation, using oracle cards, keeping a dream journal, and trusting your instincts.

Embrace Self-Love

We’ve all heard the expression “How can you love someone if you don’t love yourself”. In the energetic world that we live in, the universal Law of Attraction will draw to us what we are a vibrational match to. 

Embracing self-love is an art and a journey. It’s about appreciating yourself; mind, body, and spirit. Love yourself enough to put boundaries in place with anyone that seeks to disturb your balance and peace. 

The core of the divine feminine essence is about knowing your worth and loving yourself. This allows you to tap into how valuable you are as a high vibrational divine being. Your essence has the ability to nurture and support others on their path and is a high honor.

Holding yourself in high esteem will ensure that those around you will not dare step into your energy with low vibrational aims as you will no longer be a match to low vibrational energy.

Begin loving yourself by focusing on what you need and refusing to compromise on the level of care that you deserve. Be proud of who you authentically are and nurture your self-esteem so that others can no longer define who you are. Live in your authentic truth and resist the desire to wear a mask for anyone’s comfort. 

Express Your Creativity

Tapping into the divine feminine energy is easily harnessed through the power of creativity. Awakening this sacred energy calls us to hone into our natural state of being a creator. You can express your creative side by nurturing a new project; be it writing, painting, digital art, knitting, singing, dancing, sewing, drawing, sculpting, or anything that gives you that creative spark.

Birthing new ideas and sharing your creation will awaken the Divine Feminine Essence within. We are all creative creatures at our core, so simply ask yourself these questions:

  • What sparks your creativity? 
  • What do you do creatively that kicks you into flow? 
  • What do you enjoy to do on your spare time that’s just for you?


I encourage you to create something, anything, even if it’s for your eyes only. It would be amazing if you share your creation with the collective but you can keep your work to yourself. 

Creativity may require you to connect to your inner child. Remember the days of finger paint, pasta art, and carefree days? If you are not sure what you enjoy creating, then try something new, whatever creative activity that’s been on your to-do list that you’ve been wanting to try.

Forgive and Let Go

We express the energy of forgiveness for ourselves and not for others. Forgiveness tethers us to low vibrational timelines that are no longer in alignment with our highest good. Forgiveness is about loving ourselves so much that we acknowledge that we deserve to release the energetic cords holding us to past people, places, and things that have not served us along our journey. 

Forgiveness is based on learning the lesson, letting go of the event, and moving forward. This process is a journey in itself and should not be rushed. It is perfectly ok to take your time during this process of forgiving and releasing.   

The lack of forgiveness can transform the current energy into anger, bitterness, revenge, or resentment. This will hinder our ability to tap into the divine feminine essence. 

Expressing compassion and forgiveness will awaken the divine feminine within and is a part of the journey.  Know your worth and that forgiving someone doesn’t mean that what occurred was ok or that you must allow the person or persons back into your energy. This journey is about releasing energetic cords that keep you tied to the past so that you can more freely look toward your future. Don’t allow low vibrational events to keep you stuck to the past. 

The Divine Feminine is all about Creation and Manifestation, and that would prove difficult to do if we are energetically corded to past dramas and traumas. Forgiveness heals you and others.

Be Empathetic

People can only behave in accordance with their personal level of consciousness. The energy and essence of compassion ask us to embrace this understanding. We all experience life through our own personal lens and may react to the same situation in different ways. Meeting others with a sense of empathy will assist us with accessing the divine feminine quintessence. 

Release the urge to judge other people’s choices, for what they decide is in their own best interest. We are all on our own personal journeys and with this comes lessons to assist us with our spiritual ascension. Express patience with others as they find their own way through life and attempt to see things from their point of view. 

I personally feel that the essence of empathy is patience and understanding not only with others but with ourselves. Resist rushing another as they work through their personal trials in life. If called, be that empathetic ear of support for another.

Honor Your Sensuality

Honoring your sensuality means embracing your body in a loving nature. Love the skin that you are in and allow for its full expression unapologetically. Connect with your body through your senses and allow your physical being to express itself to the fullest. 

Be present in your body, and increase your awareness of what you require. Add rituals for self-care to your daily or weekly practice by journaling, meditating, taking a spiritual bath, getting enough sleep, drinking water, and exercising.

Embrace all your senses by viewing beautiful art, listening to uplifting music, eating savory food, feeling yourself, and smelling incense or oils.

Connect with Nature

Get back into nature by taking a hike, walking barefoot on the grass, touching a tree, watching the birds, or just finding a spot in the park to sit. Divine Feminine energy is connected to mother earth.

Slow down and allow mother nature to just whisper to you. Listen to the trees rustle and observe the animals in their natural habitat do their thing. 

Connecting with nature will slow you down a bit, which is much needed in this fast-paced world. Turn your technology off if you can, and if you can’t then bring your work outside with you. 

Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs,

Eboni Bee

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick.

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy.