5 Ways To Build Trust In The Universe

We Manifest and co-create consciously and unconsciously with the universe. Manifestation is a team effort, a partnership, and a collaboration with the divine source. It’s as if we are partaking in a game of ‘Trust’, where we build on the belief that the Universe will catch us and provide support when we take a leap forward into unknown territory. 

Once we have decided to set out on a new journey, to either manifest something new or begin on a new pathway, fear may creep in. The energy of fear is neutralized by the energy of faith. Our faith grows as more evidence shows up in our reality. The more the universe demonstrates its presence our faith becomes unshakable and our greatest superpower. 

The Divine will always deliver what is for our highest good and serves our greatest purpose. I am passionate about this topic, because as we grow older, we may require a bit of proof to build on our foundation of belief. 

We are not demanding that the Divine provide evidence, but instead assist us in increasing our faith by providing confirmation that will help our faith take root. Building assurance that the Divine is always listening, always by our side, and always holding our highest good as a top priority, will allow us to move forward on our path authentically and powerfully.

These are my top 5 methods to build your trust in the Universe and create unshakable faith.

Ask for Evidence

When I began my journey, evidence was one of the biggest factors that helped me build my trust in the Universe. As the evidence showed up, it proved proof that the communication I held with the Divine was open and clear and that all my requests were being heard.

Asking the Universe for evidence is based on clear communication. Simply asking ad affirming to the Universe what you desire. Speak clearly, aloud or silently, along the lines of “Universe, I desire to feel your presence and I desire a clear sign in the form of _____”. This is only a sample statement, speak from your heart. Choose a sign that is personal to you and that you’ll know when you see it. 

Black Cats speak to me as it reminds me of the Queen of Wands in the Tarot. I have a list of personal signs and symbols that alert me that they are from the Divine. 

Creating a spiritual evidence log can help you keep track of all the signs the Universe sends your way. Your spiritual evidence log will be a powerful trust builder for you. Seeing the list of all the signs the universe has sent you will help you realize that you are being supported and that you are always being sent a confirmation. 

Building your Log will increase your awareness of what is showing up in your physical reality that supports your quest for divine evidence. Reduce the urge to simply write things off as coincidence. Angel numbers, songs, animals, conversations, and people can all show up as synchronicities. 

If you are still working on building your awareness then ask the universe for your sign within a specific timeframe. 24-48 hrs or a timeframe that you will be actively on the lookout for your particular sign.

Feel the Faith

Trusting the universe will allow you to take new leaps of faith in the future while holding onto the inner knowing that the universe does indeed have your back. 

Faith in the Universe is about building the belief that the Universe will support and guide you on your journey.

Take a moment to define what having faith means and feels to you. Really feel into and immerse yourself into what trusting a higher power feels like to you. This will assist you with fine-tuning your energy to the essence of faith. Once you are familiar with the energy you will be able to tap into the energy quickly in the future.

When you are actively manifesting, the energy of worry and fear attempts to creep in. You may worry when your manifestation will show up, and fear if it ever will. Ask yourself how would it feel to know that the Universe is on your side, supporting your journey and always delivering what you desire. Feeling the energy of ultimate trust and faith will help to build and increase that energy.

Release an Unhealthy Ego

We all have an ego and it can be in a healthy or unhealthy state. A healthy ego can define who you are and give you the strength to stand in your authentic truth. An unhealthy ego can truly limit who you believe you are and what you believe you can accomplish. 

An unhealthy ego will limit what you believe you can materialize in your reality. Manifesting great things will require you to build on a healthy ego state and push past your comfort zone. 

Your trust in the universe will increase as you nurture your healthy ego. You will begin to eliminate any feelings of lack and limitation, therefore your expectation in the universe acknowledging your request will increase. 

In order for us to expect the universe to show up for us, we must be capable of showing up for ourselves. We align what we expect in the world based on our own self-expectations.

Take Powerful Action

Taking action is a huge part of the manifestation process. The process of taking forward moving action toward your goals nurtures your communication with the universe. As you take one step forward the universe answers back in response

You will build more trust in the universe as signs continue to show up in your reality. You’ll find that in response to your action-taking forward movement, the universe will continue to send you signs and synchronicities in response. 

Communicate with the universe by taking intentional action steps forward, toward your desires. Your faith and trust will build the more the universe answers you back. Trust where you are being led and the support that is available to you.

Allow Others to Inspire You  

When building faith in the Universe, it’s a great idea to allow the stories and the path of others to inspire you. Allow the faith of others to inspire you while you build faith and smooth communication with the universe. 

Gurus are spiritual guides and teachers that bring with them a plethora of stories that inspire. Be open to listening to their journey and how they have built and strengthened their trust in the universe over time.

The Universe surrounds you and is there to support you on your path. The Universe expands as you do, therefore supporting you is a part of the primary objective. Allow yourself to build your faith over time as you receive your divine signs and synchronicities.

Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs,

Eboni Bee

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick.

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy.