17 Second Manifestation Method in 5 Steps

We manifest and attract into our reality what we are a vibrational match to. The process of manifesting works in collaboration with many universal laws but the law of vibration works alongside the law of attraction to attract to us what we vibrate. 

The 17 Second Manifestation Concept, introduced by Abraham-Hicks, answers the question “How long will it take to activate a new vibration?”. Abraham-Hicks answers this for us, 17 seconds is all it takes to shift our vibration. If you are vibrating the energy of lack, then with focus and 17 seconds you can shift the vibration to that of abundance. 

What we think, speak and feel all vibrate and the quality of those words and thoughts will determine the speed. 

This is the step-by-step process for activating a new vibration in 17 Seconds.

Use this17 Second Method to Manifest one thing at a time. You can manifest multiple things at once, yes, but I recommend that when using this method to keep things hyper-focused on one thing until you feel your vibration change.

Step 1: Decide what you’re Manifesting

This is the most important and exciting step of the whole process. This is the time to decide what you’d like to call in. The Universe is on your side and will support you so the ball is in your court. What would you like?

This step requires a bit of time and patience before we get into the 17 Second Method. Now is the time for you to determine where you will be placing your energetic focus. 

Be as detailed as you can get. If you are manifesting a car, ask yourself questions to gain clarity on the car. As questions like, what type of car, what color, what model? If you are having a difficult time with details look up pictures online to support you.

If you are focusing on money, how much, what would you use the money for? 

You get the idea, be detailed. 

Step 2: Visualization

Once you’ve decided on what you’re manifesting and have found the details, now is the time to bring your manifestation to life in your mind. This step is in preparation for the 17 seconds you’ll spend with hyper-focused intent. 

This is the step for you to create your manifestation in detail in your mind so that it’s easy, in the future, to recall your manifestation in your mind. Visualization is such a huge part of the manifestation process. You have to be able to see your manifestation before you can call it into your physical reality. 

Spend as much time on this step as you need. Build your Visualization skills using your desire. Build each part of your manifestation in your mind, and watch it come to life. Reference back to your pictures if needed. Using your pictures and then closing your eyes to recreate them in your mind.

Step 3: 17 Second Feeling Focus

This is the fun part. Once you have visualized your manifestation in your mind, hold the image and focus on the feeling for 17 seconds. You activate the vibration by feeling your manifestation. 

Money, how does it feel to log into your bank account and see that money there? Car, how would it feel to put the key in the driver’s side door, and get into the driver’s seat? House, how would it feel walking in the front door and hanging your coat up? You get the idea.

Really allow yourself to feel into it. Smile, laugh and feel appreciation and gratitude. 

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Step 4: 68 Seconds To Really Bring It In

The longer you can hold your visualization and keep the feeling the stronger the vibration will get. This is the time to really allow the new vibration to set by going another 3 rounds of 17, so 51 additional seconds. This brings you to 68 seconds, a bit over a minute. 

Daydreaming gets a bad wrap, but you are daydreaming with a purpose. Now, if you want to get really crazy just keep going. Set your timer for 2 minutes or more. 

I actually work this method 2 times a day alongside other methods we’ll discuss in another article. 

Step 5: Let The Universe Go To Work

This is such an important step. Don’t over obsess throughout the day wondering if you performed the 17-second method right. 

If you visualized your manifestation, felt it in high vibration for 17 seconds or more, you did the method correctly. Go about the rest of your day knowing that you activated and strengthened the vibration of what you are manifesting and that it’s on its way to you. 

Continue to work this method until your manifestation shows up in your physical reality. Remember that you must take action as well. So don’t work this method and then sit on the couch watching Netflix. You must meet the Universe halfway by taking aligned action. 

Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs,

Eboni Bee

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick.

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy.