10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Instantly

Everything in the Universe is Energy and the Law of Vibration states that everything is in constant vibration or motion. Your thoughts, words, and emotions vibrate and the rate at which you vibrate will determine what we manifest. A strong high vibration can manifest easily, smoothly, and quickly. You can still Manifest at a low vibration, but they may come into your reality slowly. Manifestations produced from a low vibration may also not be fully aligned with your truest desire.

The Law of Attraction works in partnership with the Law of Vibration. So, how high or low your vibration will directly affect what you can attract into your personal world. Raising your Vibration works in your favor all around.

I don’t feed into the “High Vibe All The Time” lie. Your vibration will fluctuate and that is perfectly ok. Our goal is to not stay in a low vibrational energy for an extended period of time. Shortening the time that your vibration is low will decrease the possibility that you manifest low vibrational things.

I’m going to share with you my Top 10 go-to’s when I want to Raise my Vibration instantly. So let’s get into it.

Dance Like Noone’s watching

The worst thing you can do when you’re feeling low is listen to sad songs. Create a playlist that puts you in that Boss B Energy, that reminds you that you are amazing and powerful. Remember that whatever you’re going through is for a short time and not a long time. 

I’m growing my Vinyl Collection as well because the frequency emitted is higher. Regardless of how you listen to your music, playing motivational, inspiring, ‘go get it’ music will help elevate you.

Take a Cleansing Spiritual Bath

Spiritual Baths are one of my favorite methods to raise my vibration, especially if I’ve gone through something energetically disruptive. We all have interruptions in our lives that seem to throw our energy out of alignment. A Spiritual Bath is an easy way to cleanse the energetic gunk.

The base of any good Spiritual Bath will contain Sea Salt, herbs, and crystals. You can add Rose Petals, Florida water and so much more. You can really take your time and incorporate whatever speaks to you. Soak for 20-30 minutes, relax and visualize any negative energy being washed away. 

Healing Solfeggio Frequencies

There are 9 Solfeggio Frequencies that are my go-to’s. My fallback frequencies are 174Hz for stress relief, 417Hz for removing negativity, and 528Hz for repairing DNA.

I normally play all 9 Frequencies in the background as I write articles like this one. Find a way to incorporate playing the frequencies when you take a walk, do chores, or even when you sleep. These frequencies will balance your energy and keep you in Vibrational Harmony. 

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Charge Your Water

Masaru Emoto brought us evidence that the molecular structure of water is affected by frequency and speech. The human body is about 60% water, so if we charge our water and then drink it we can change our own molecular structure. 

I charge my water with Selenite Frequencies, Solfeggio Frequencies and I will even say “I Love You” to my water. I always try to prep my water energetically for the day. Since you most likely drink 4-6 cups of water daily, why not Level Up your water with a vibrational charge. 

Don’t Underestimate the Energy of Gratitude

I start my day with the expression of Gratitude and Appreciation. Gratitude is a high vibration to be in and it helps to draw your attention back to what is working in your life. Take time to acknowledge the support from the Universe, your Ancestors, and Guides. 

Make space in your day to harness the powerful energy of Gratitude and bring your attention to the comforts in your life regardless of how small it may seem. Express appreciation for the people you have around you that support your journey. Gratitude will help remind you that you are supported by the universe as well and that you will continue to be supported through whatever you are going through. 

Laughter is Truly The Best Medicine

When I was going through a rough time in my life, I spoke to a friend who gave me advice with a side of comedy. It helped to remind me that what I was going through really wasn’t that serious and this physical journey we are all on is really not that heavy. I still remember how hard I laughed at what was meant to keep me in an energetic lack state of mind. 

Well, the joke is on them cause I laughed my way right back into my High Vibration. So, watch a cartoon, comedy show or a really funny movie. Indulge in anything that will get you laughing and out of that low vibrational frequency. 

Of course, there is science behind how laughter helps to relieve stress as well as how it triggers emotional changes in the body. But really, when did you ever feel bad when you had a good laugh?

Heal with the Element of Air

Get yourself outside and get some fresh air stat! I’m guilty of staying inside when I’m feeling down, but when I pull myself together to take a long walk and breathe in the fresh air I instantly feel rejuvenated. 

When there is a gust of strong wind, I also envision the Air Element blowing away any negative energy that may be attached to my Auric Field. Cleanse with the Air Element through breathwork, lighting incense, or my favorite using a Tibetan Tingsha. 

Channel your Creative Energy

I am always in a high vibration when I’m creating something, writing, designing, drawing, or singing. I always recommend that if you are feeling low to tap into what brings you back to flow. Whatever you do creatively that raises your vibration, it’s time to dive into that. Even if what you are creating is for your eyes only, do it anyway and get immersed in it. 

Creativity taps you back into Source Energy, that Divine High Vibrational Energy that lifts us up every single time. Our higher vibrational purpose is to Create, we are all Creators, Manifestors, so Creation will always be our True North. 

Motivational Speeches that Inspire

Being at a low vibration can make us feel like we don’t have the strength to move forward, to push on, to power through. But taking the time to listen to stories from those who have overcome their struggles and made it to the other side can remind us that we too possess that strength to keep moving forward and overcome. 

So whether it’s Oprah, Denzel Washington, Simon Sinek, Will Smith, or Gary Vaynerchuk, I’ll listen to the speech of someone who always motivates and inspires me. Raising your Vibration through listening to Motivational speeches reminds you that you are never alone in what you may be experiencing and that others before you have made it through stronger on the other side.

Visualize Your Way to a Higher Vibration

Neville Goddard spoke about the concept of Living in The End. This is a very powerful Manifestation Technique that I use and Teach as well. Carving out time in your day to visualize yourself in a happier, healthier, more fulfilled state will raise your vibration now to match the frequency of that higher vibrational future projection. 

When we are feeling at a low point it’s easy to get lost in the “what is” in our reality and neglect the fact that we are always manifesting the next point in our reality. Through the tool of visualizing our “End” or future Vibrational State, we draw ourselves closer to the Higher Frequency we desire. Take 5 to 10 minutes to indulge in the Higher Vibrational Future you desire. 

I hope you enjoyed my 10 Powerful Methods to Raise your Vibration. Add a few of these to your toolkit and let me know how they worked for you. 

Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs,

Eboni Bee

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick.

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy.