10 Tips to Survive Mercury Retrograde

Three to Four times a year Mercury goes Retrograde and feels like it kicks all of our energetic butts one way or another. Mercury Rules the Third House of communication, the intellect, technology, our social lives, and transportation. So you will begin to feel that you need a little extra support in these areas of your life.

Before we get into my list of 10 Survival Tips for Mercury Retrograde, let’s start at the beginning.

What is Mercury Retrograde?

During Mercury Retrograde the planet Mercury seems to orbit backward. Now, the planet doesn’t actually begin to move backward but it appears so in the sky. This optical illusion happens because Mercury will actually be rotating the sun faster than the Earth. Mercury Retrograde lasts about three to four weeks with a Pre and Post Shadow Period lasting another three weeks before and after the retrograde. So yes, it’s a full-on journey for us all.

During the Mercury Retrograde period, our Third House Energy is shaken and stirred. So, the way we communicate, write, speak, interpret, and travel feels a bit off wack. This time fuels our need to express patience and understanding with ourselves and others. 

Take additional time to plan ahead and communicate clearly with others to reduce any misunderstandings. Check any technology that you use to communicate like your cell phone, computer, Ipads, etc. This is the time where the technology we use that may have needed to be replaced, upgraded, or fixed will command attention by shutting down or breaking. 

Mercury Retrograde is also a time where past lovers, friends, and acquaintances seem to reach out the most. Past acquaintances may feel pushed to communicate with you what they may have been holding back. So a lot of “Blasts from the Past” pop up during this time, so expect text messages, DMs, letters, and phone calls from people of the past. Try to ensure that you don’t get pushed to communicate with people, especially those that you’ve closed cycles.

How to Survive Mercury Retrograde

There is no need to worry about Mercury Retrograde. You can definitely navigate the energy, especially now that you’re aware. There are a few Survival tactics I use to navigate the energy and stay in balance. If you stick to my personal tips you will be just fine and sail smoothly through this Mercury Retrograde Energy. So here we go.

Back it up

I remember how hard I cried when my external hard drive died on me. But I knew that it was coming to the end of its journey and the files I lost that day still haunt me.

Now is a time to back up and save any important projects, documents, data you’ve been working on. The technology check-up that you’ve been putting off may swing back around screaming for your attention. Mercury is the planet for communication, so any communication devices that you use that have been needing attention will be more prone to glitching or just shutting down at this time. So ensure that the equipment you use is in tip-top shape; cell phones, laptops, tablets, hard drives, etc. 

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Focus on current projects only

Mercury Retrograde Energy doesn’t support the start or launch of any new projects. Now is the best time to nurture any current, active projects you’ve already started. Pour energy into what you have already initiated. Wrapping up anything outstanding is a better use of your focus than attempting to start a brand new project from the ground up.  

If you have an existing business, focus on how you can take your business to the next level, or how you can nurture your existing client base. 

The Devil is in the Details

This is a time where the details matter the most. This is not the time to rush read any agreements or quickly sign any contracts. Take your time and read through everything. Getting a second pair of eyes on any important documents can’t hurt either. Your signature is powerful, so before you sign any deals take your time, slow down and ensure that you understand everything and are in full agreement before you give your consent.

Drive Slow Homie

Canceling travel plans outright may not be in the cards for you, so traveling may be inevitable. Recheck your travel plans, meeting times and give yourself extra travel time to arrive at your destination. Try to ensure your luggage is tagged and all your documents are double printed. Take your time driving, switching lanes, or riding in the bike lane.

Take Time and Align

Nothing in your world that’s in perfect Alignment will be affected during the Retrograde period. If anything that you thought was in alignment breaks down or gets shaken up, take this as an indication to recalibrate that area of your life.

This is the best time to get into complete Alignment with your path. Slow down your world for a bit to review what you have going on and truly ask yourself if this is supporting your path to where you desire to be. Take stock of everything you have going on at this time.

Spend Time to Love on Yourself

Level up your Self Love game because you are a priority too. Spiritual Baths, Meditation, Clearing your Chakras, Getting enough sleep, Journal, take a walk, drink more water, and exercise. Taking extra time for yourself works in your favor because focusing on you will raise your vibration and the vibration of the ones around you. 

Clear the Subconscious Clutter

Mercury is the planet for Communication, not only with others but with ourselves. How we speak to ourselves has a big impact on what we can manifest in our lives. Now is a great time to really examine how you talk to yourself. Cut out any negative self-talk and remind yourself, out loud, of all your positive qualities and features. Love yourself, out loud and remind yourself of all the positive aspects that make you, you.

Communicate Clearly

It’s so easy to be misunderstood on a regular day, so during Mercury Retrograde, you have to be extra patient to ensure you communicate clearly. Collect your thoughts and slow down a bit to recheck any communication you send out, this can include text messages, emails, or social media posts. This will ensure that what you are attempting to express is not taken out of context. Also, do your best to be patient when someone is speaking with you and if you need clarification then ask for it.

Lean on your crystals

Crystals are such an amazing energetic resource to use. You can use crystals to raise your vibration, clear energetic blockages, and recalibrate your energy. The top Crystals you can use for Mercury Retrograde are Fluorite, Black Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Aquamarine, and Amazonite. You can use crystals during your meditation or place them under your pillow at night. You can also keep them in your pocket, set them at your desk at work, or create a crystal grid to help you amplify the energies. Crystals will help you transmute the energy around you in your favor. 

Get Back to Nature and Ground

Connecting with Nature is a way for us to communicate with the Universe, our Spirit Guides, and our Higher Selves. Messages flow to us easily and clearly when we connect back to nature and ourselves. Grounding is a great way to connect to the earth. I walk barefoot in the park and feeling the earth under my feet. This helps me to reconnect to the earth and stabilize my energy. Take time to slow down and watch how animals move in nature.

I hope you have enjoyed my Mercury Retrograde Survival Tips and that you breeze through the energy without any hiccups.

Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs,

Eboni Bee

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick.

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy.