10 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Energy

We live in a vibrational universe where being surrounded by positivity and happiness can raise your vibration. But on the flip side, being around negativity, gossip, toxic environments can lower your vibration. A low vibration can leave you feeling drained, tired, unmotivated, anxious or depressed. Having Powerful ways to protect your energy has never been so important.

One of the most recurring questions I receive is “How do I protect and shield my energy”? You may encounter Energy Vampires, Low Vibrational people or situations along your journey. You may also be a naturally sensitive person or an Empath. Either way, it’s important to have a list of tools you can use to protect your energy in any situation.

Here is a list of Powerful Tools you can use to Recharge, Cleanse and Protect your Energy. These tips, tricks, and tools have helped me protect my energy and raise my own vibration. 

1. Tap into your Awareness

Be present and tap into how you’re feeling in your current situation. Take a moment to pause and ask yourself how are you feeling. I will take a minute to check in with myself internally. This will allow me to get a sense of how I’m feeling right now. If I’m not feeling uplifted or positive in that conversation or current surroundings I will move away or stop altogether.

2. Set Energetic Boundaries

I like to use the Mantra “Your Energy is Not My Energy”. Reminding yourself that you don’t have to shift into the energy of others is unbelievably powerful. Try to avoid getting mixed up in someone else’s energy. Tapping into what is yours and letting others keep what is theirs will help you stay in your current state. 

3. Utilize Crystal Energy

Crystals are amazing tools that can assist us on our journey. But they’ll always be just that, tools to be used. The crystals I like to use for protection are Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Rose Quartz, Onyx, and Amethyst. You can carry crystals in your purse, in your wallet or leave them at your desk. Wear them as jewelry or leave a small piece in your pocket.

To begin using crystals you’ll need to cleanse and charge them. You can use Sage smoke to cleanse your crystals. Charge your crystals by leaving them in salt overnight, under a full moon, or in the sun. Now they’ll be ready to use by carrying them around for added protection to repel or remove unwanted energy. 

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4. Smoke Cleansing

Use smoke cleansing to clear your physical space or yourself. You can burn Sage, Palo Santo or a Sweetgrass Braid to perform your smoke cleansing ritual. After you gather your tool of choice set your intention before you begin. Close all the windows and hold your intention in your mind while you perform your smoke cleansing. Begin by lighting your Sage, Palo Santo or sweetgrass and slowly walking around your space. Then allow the smoke to fill your space. Finally, once the smoke has filled your space, open your windows to allow the negative energy or entities to exit.

Be mindful and safe while using fire, don’t leave anything burning unattended. Also, don’t inhale the smoke directly and only fill the space with smoke as needed. 

A great alternative if you are unable to use smoke cleansing is using a Liquid Sage Spray. This is perfect if you are in the office, shared space, or are using to protect children. I have used some sprays that are infused with quartz crystals and I always keep some handy.

5. Take a Salt Bath

Salt baths can help you rebalance, ground, detox and cleanse your energy. You can use Epsom Salt, Himalayan Salt or mix the two for this cleansing bath. First, take your normal bath or shower to cleanse your skin. Then, fill your bathtub and mix in 1 cup of Epsom Salt. Take a moment to set the intention of the bath before you begin. An example of an intention is “This bath is intended to cleanse and protect my energy”. Proceed to soak for 20-25 mins. The magnesium and sulfate in Epsom Salt will easily absorb through the skin and help you produce energy.

6. Ground Yourself in Nature

Grounding or Earthing is one of the easiest things you can do to recalibrate your energy. You can easily get started by taking a walk barefoot in the park and feeling the grass between your toes. I begin by visualizing roots from my feet planting itself in the earth. I visualize the negative energy flowing out the roots of my feet and positive energy flowing up from the earth to me.

Focus on your breathing; inhale for 6 seconds then exhale for another 6 and also reconnect with your senses. Grounding helps to raise my energy extensively.

7. Call upon Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is a warrior and is the Angel of Protection, Strength, and Courage. Archangel Michael will come to your aid the moment you call him to protect and guard you. You can call on Archangel Michael verbally or just through thought.

Angels are always around to assist us but we must first ask. You can simply think or say “Archangel Micahel, please protect me now” and he will be by your side and provide you with the vibration of safety. 

8. Remove Yourself and Create Space

It sounds simple I know, but sometimes the easiest and fastest thing we can do is step away. Don’t fear what others may think of you just politely ‘excuse yourself’. Try not to feel “stuck” in any conversation that you can’t excuse yourself from. You’re not “stuck” around a  group of people that you know is not for our highest good.

If you find it hard to step away, then try to steer the conversation in a more positive direction. But if you feel that the conversation hasn’t shifted you may have no other choice than to excuse yourself. Try your best to not feel pressured to engage in a conversation or situation that does not serve you. 

9. Spend time Alone

Through your daily interactions, you may pick up unwanted energy. And taking time alone will help you to sift through what energy is yours and what belongs to someone else. Embracing being alone with yourself and your own energy. Take a moment to be alone and check-in with yourself.

Center yourself and feel your own energy without any outside influences. Cultivating Solitude will help increase your Self Awareness and Empathy.

10. Visualize Protection

You are the most powerful tool there is. Using your mind power for protection will always be my go-to method. To start simply visualize a bright white light surrounding you. This light can be any color really, white, gold, blue, or any color you connect with. Visualize this light as an impenetrable bubble surrounding you. Imagine this bubble repealing any negative energy that may be coming your way.

I would recommend practicing this technique as you might be caught off guard and find yourself in low vibrational situations.

Remember, whatever you think will work will work. But I invite you to take responsibility for the experiences you are attracting in your reality. If you are constantly attracting negative experiences it’s time to step back and check in with how you are managing your own energy and set a new intention so you can begin to attract more empowering encounters into your reality. 

Sending you Light, Love, and Mystic Hugs,

Eboni Bee

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni is a New York based writer who specializes in metaphysical principles, manifestation, mindset development and magick.

Eboni Brathwaite

Eboni Bee is a Psychospiritual Mentor and Mystic. Specializing in Cosmic Manifestation and Energetic Alchemy.